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What people say about Oliver´s magic


Just a few of them

Happy clients


Let the people talk

Statement Bülent Ceylan zu Zauberer Oliver Henke

Statement nach der Show von Oliver

Talk about Oliver

As I sat in the very front, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing! I was surprised when I saw how he managed to use his magical abilities. It was impressive and proves that he is a true genius. Come and see it for yourself. You will not be disappointed.
bild gerald
Gerlad Asamoah
Schalke 04
Experience sophisticated entertainment and professional care of first-class guests.
Statement Kunde
Wolfgang Becker
Toi Toi Toi. Das war echt unterhaltend!
Zauberer Oliver Henke mit Roberto Blanco
Roberto Blanco
I am thrilled every time anew by his exciting feats! His shows are a very special experience every time and everyone who has the chance to witness one of his spectacular performances will be fascinated.
Statement Kunde
Nelson Müller
Tv & Sternekoche

The evidence speaks for itself


Some company costumers say

Good to know

Listen the happy costumers

Statement von Künstler Christian Nienhaus.

Statement Melanie Wissler.

Wedding magic at it´s best

Stimmen zum Hochzeitszauberer

Some statements from wedding couples

You have to explain me that trick!!!
Statement Kunde
Johan Lafer
TV & Sternekoch
"What the FU**. That´s crazy. Show it to my friends!"
Kobe Braynt
Basketball Legende
That was really impressiv!
bild jh
Jupp Henyckes
Bundesliga Trainer

We would be very pleased to hear from you! Do not hesitate any longer and grab the phone to contact us. We are ready and excited to receive your request.


* Die Rechte am Foto von Gerald Asamosh liegen bei Frank Schwichtenberg.

Zauberer Oliver Henke hat 4,94 von 5 Sternen 283 Bewertungen auf